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Sheffield Doc/Fest is a world leading festival celebrating the art and business of documentary and non-fiction storytelling across all forms. Each year the festival welcomes over 25,000 festival goers, including around 3,500 industry delegates from 55 countries. Doc/Fest is a creative space for discovery, debate, collaboration and inspiration. We champion and push forward new talent, ideas and interaction for the future of the industry. We are an open, inclusive festival, bringing together veteran creatives, new voices and our city to share, shape and question stories of the world we live in. What’s your story? The festival and consists of events across six programme areas: FILM (New cinema, film and artist’s moving image), ALTERNATE REALITIES (Interactive, augmented and virtual reality story worlds), LIVE (Performance, special events, and installations), TALKS (Masterclasses, summits and panels), MARKETPLACE (Industry, talent, training and pitching) & SOCIAL (Parties and networking)
Address: The Workstation - 15 Paternoster Row - S1 2BX - Sheffield - United Kingdom
Phone number: + 44 (0) 114 276 5141
Contact Person: Luke Moody, Director of Film Programming
 Fashion Film
 Film Noir
 Gender Equality
 Human Rights
 Mental Health
 Science Fiction
 Third Age
 Urban Art
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